Wow, talk about early, right? Bless Online should be unleashed onto western territories during 2017 but we bet some of you are thinking that it may actually never happen – maybe if Aeria Games was a bit better at communicating, we wouldn’t fear so much for the fate of the game as we did when the official website was down for AN ENTIRE MONTH. With four classes and a fifth one possibly coming with the open beta, it still needs to grow and get frequent content updates as the previous builds seemed a bit easy to go through – but hey, for everyone out there always complaining about what a grind these games usually are, complaining about the exact opposite seems a bit mental, don’t you think? It’s a nice dungeon crawler that is competent, good looking and first and foremost fun to play, something that the genre desperately needs to be, otherwise it’s just you clicking into oblivion. It may seem a bit early to properly judge MU Legend based on the merits of the global version alone, which at this time is about to enter the second closed beta before making the jump to open beta, but we’re confident this is a good one, as we’ve tried the Korean version before. A PlayStation 4 version is coming in 2017, so the game definitely has some fans. Skyforge could be summed in just a few words: stunning MMORPG that some will love (casuals) and others will hate (veterans). Something that could get on your nerves if you’re of the especially competitive kind are the limitations in place, but if you just want to enjoy a bit of the game each day before moving on to other games or chores, then this won’t be a problem to you.
While Skyforge was considered very grindy and repetitive, most MMORPGs are just like that, but the Ascension update somewhat lessened the grind. The diverse classes and the way that you can switch between them on-the-fly, thus changing the combat style anytime you want, or the top notch graphics and effects, as well as the aforementioned combat, which is fluid and fun. Skyforge is one of the biggest undertakings in the MMORPG genre in the latest years and as usual, there’s always a lot of spiteful hate going on without properly complimenting its many qualities. Just play it before someone accidentally trips over it and pulls the plug. Nonetheless, Wildstar is a classic but excellent MMORPG with plenty of humour, good visuals, dynamic and fun combat and a game world that could easily entertain you for almost 100 hours. Despite the initial boost, it didn’t manage to keep a stable playerbase and NCsoft recently stopped mentioning its numbers in its reports, which means that not many players are sticking around.
Touted as an improvement on World of Warcraft but with a cartoonish sci-fi theme, for some reason Wildstar never got the attention and playerbase it deserved and quickly switched to free to play in a hope to escape from the hell of low sales. We honestly fear for the future of Wildstar – we’re not kidding, in fact we’re unsure if this MMO will even make it past 2017. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!